Elevate Your Imagination With Nature’s Breathtaking Vistas Of Unparalleled Beauty – Amazing Nature

Photoshop has been around probably as long as the internet itself, and people are only getting more and more creative. Digital art has been exceptionally prevalent during the last few years and a lot of artists have switched from traditional to digital art.

With people creating thousands of different artworks every day, one has to get pretty creative to stand out, and that’s exactly what Amsterdam-based artist Martijn Schrijver does.

Martijn’s works merge nature, animals, and humans together into surreal pieces that look like something out of a dream.

Bored Panda reached out to Martijn Schrijver.

“I’m inspired by nature and I like to create various surreal and humorous photo manipulations, like incorporating animals into landscapes.

I love to see nature photos and come up with surreal ideas and make it ‘real’ with Photoshop.”

#1 Peaceful until it opens the mouth

#2 Adorable

#3 All tuckered out from playing in the snow.

#4 this is what happens when you plant a peacock seed

#5 GodZirra sounds much cooler than godzilla in my opinion

#6 Kong!

#7 You horny devil!

#8 Aslan

#9 he’s stuck. somebody help him please. da sand is too deep.

#10 The true polar bear

#11 I like tOrTalS

#12 Wait a minute, there are no rhinos in Machu Picchu…are there?

#13 The Meg

#14 Here’s Johnny…😉

#15 Aaww!!

#16 Ahh… good to cool down on a hot day like this!

#17 Dude, Hogwarts is for witches and wizards, not rhinos!!!

#18 The female seal looks elegant! The male would just be terrifying l!

#19 Majestic!

#20 🎶Flamingo ! Oh oh oh , if you are multi-color that’s cool too! You don’t have to change is boring being the same ! Flamingo ! Oh oh oh , you are pretty either way 🎶

#21 I don’t think a one bag of oranges will do it for this hungry hippo

#22 I first tough it was a horse, and now i see a poodle ?

#23 Beautifully done.

#24 the stiars as the tongue!

#25 interesting..

#26 doggo

#27 Looks fun!

#28 the gate to heaven?

#29 this makes me feel happy

#30 Shark Flip!

#31 Handsome alligator 😍

#32 Boom boom boom!

#33 Again: Never Ending Story🐢😁

#34 He even made the reflection in the water! He’s good, most people would forget about that!

#35 Love the boats

#36 Snaketus

#37 * Jurassic Park theme plays *

#38 Oof

#39 the rhino of live

#40 ok is anyone else struggling to see what it is? maybe a dead cow?

#41 the goddess of live

#42 They are All Georgeous but I think that this one is #1

#43 Good combination.

#44 Beautiful.

#45 The wing , I can’t is just so adorable lol

#46 snek


#48 the river to hellven?

#49 Good fish 👍



#52 the camel of live!

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