Has Earth’s Last Hope Fallen? Avengers Make Ruthless Demon Pact

The world as we know it is ending. A devastating alien invasion has brought humanity to its knees, with cities decimated and most superheroes killed in action. As the remnants of Earth’s forces make their last stand, all hope seems lost. In a final act of desperation, the few Avengers still alive—Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Hulk—turn to darker supernatural powers that may damn their souls forever.

Eyewitness reports state that the four heroes conducted a ritual to open a portal to the demonic realm, making contact with a shadowy entity known only as Mephisto. After tense negotiations, they agreed to an unholy bargain—in exchange for the power to defeat the alien invaders, Mephisto required a promise of the Avengers’ eternal servitude in the underworld.

While the demon’s gift appears to have turned the tide against the extraterrestrial threat, enabling the Avengers to drive back the invasion, it came at an unimaginable cost. Video footage shows the normally brave and principled Captain America on his knees before Mephisto, uttering vows that shake the spirit. What price is too high for Earth’s salvation?

The public is torn. While most are grateful to be alive, many are disturbed at the compromises their heroes made. Power gained through corruption is questionable power indeed. And servitude, even in a righteous cause, debases the dignity of any free person. It seems the very ideals the Avengers stood for have been tainted by their descent into moral ambiguity.

Our champions have secured victory today, but at what cost? With a dark new master to serve and their commitment to justice broken, can the Avengers still be considered heroes? Or has humankind lost its greatest protectors to the lure of evil in our most desperate moment? This reporter shudders to think what might become of a world overseen by corrupted souls.

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